Q-lite has won the tender for the renewal of the existing Parking Route Information System (PRIS) in Alkmaar. The current system has reached the end of its technical life and needs to be replaced.
Nice welcome
The PRIS offers a pleasant welcome to visitors who come to the city by car and can quickly find a free parking space. This makes parking easier and prevents search traffic.
Nearest parking location
The system consists of 40-50 reference locations where road users are informed about both the direction of the P-route and the current occupancy and reference to the nearest parking location.

Sustainability has an important place in the project and was also an important aspect in the assessment of the offers. For example, part of the masts and signs are reused, maximum use is made of recycled materials and the digital display systems are equipped with highly energy-efficient display technology.
Enrichment for the city
The new parking information system is an enrichment for the city and offers the municipality of Alkmaar many options now and in the future to manage mobility in the city and parking pressure.