Sustainable chain

How do we bring our suppliers into the circular story?

1. Advising role

Read here what circular design means to us. We share these principles and strategy around upgradeability and disassembly with our suppliers, purchasing certain components and semi-finished products. In this way, we guarantee the most sustainable end product possible.

2. Pioneering role

The relevance of sustainability in the economy is rapidly increasing. In 2018 and 2019, many of our questions around this topic were not yet current. From issues around CO2 reduction, the importance of material impact and energy in the mid-2020s, we moved to questions on social inclusion, biodiversity loss and water impact in 2024.

Early investment in sustainability research and innovation keeps us ahead of our market and perpetuates our progressive leadership role.

3. Transparant evidence

With a circular product comes the right datasets and clear evidence to:

  • be able to make the right material choices internally and
  • externally to demonstrate lower environmental impact,
We therefore request material passports from our suppliers with data on:
  • the type of components
  • quantities
  • % recyclate
  • the primary material
  • country of origin
  • the energy mix during the manufacturing process
Projectmanager in actie in de productie tijdens een FAT.

4. Social monitoring

Besides quality checks on materials, we also check working conditions, payment of living wages and human rights. Several suppliers obtained appropriate certifications for this purpose with external audits such as SA8000 and ISO45001, among others.

We aim for 75% of our suppliers outside Europe to be human rights certified or audited by us.

Ontdek onze duurzame aanpak

Duurzame keten

Duurzame keten

Als internationale fabrikant van digitale displayoplossingen heeft Q-lite een wereldwijde keten. Het is cruciaal om onze leveranciers en partners te betrekken in ons duurzaamheidsverhaal op vlak van ecologie en sociale thema’s. Alleen zo kunnen we onze eigen duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen behalen en de positieve impact van de volledige productieketen maximaliseren.
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