Eyes on
Cities and communities
Every city or township would like to have clear and legible information facilities to communicate with passers-by, visitors or its own residents. With the Q-lite LED and LCD displays we can indicate an excellent interpretation here.
In many Dutch, Belgian and even French townships, many LED-displays with only LED text lines have been installed in recent years. Still a beautiful and simple way of communicating with the immediate environment.
With our latest full color Q-LED TV series and LCD totems, we can serve cities and townships even better with eye-catching and modern communication systems. These displays are available in both portrait and landscape versions, in various (inch) sizes.
ou can use these Q-LED TV displays and LCD totems for years and at any time we can provide these displays with a better and smaller resolution without major additional investments, as well as adding extra smart city applications. The latest generation of Touch LCD totems give an extra dimension, allowing to create interaction with citizens.

The added value of digital information screens in public space

Interactive Touch LCD-totems
The Q-LED TV displays and LCD totems are installed in many cities and towns, with or without advertising exploitation. Since 2019 it is possible to place different types of displays in a circular DaaS-model.
Read more about our circular transition and Display as a Service.

Interactive Touch LCD-totems
These touchscreens not only inform residents and visitors, but keep them in the center longer in an interactive way.
The possibilities are versatile:
- The zoomable cartography shows important sights, events, cycling routes, facilities with additional information
- Buy tickets for local events
- Dynamic signage
- City promotion
Information flow directly, wireless or via the internet

Tailored advice
We have already supplied information displays to more than 100 townships. This makes us the ideal partner for advice and customized products for your township or city.

Visit our Visual Experience Center
Curious? Visit our unique experience center and factory and be inspired by our solutions!