E.Leclerc hauconcour







The big display of 37 m2 with a pixel pitch of 10 mm at the establishment of Hauconcourt hangs above the entrance and cannot be missed. Fun detail: to reduce the inconvenience for the clients to a minimum, the display was installed at night.

The travel agency located in the shop also received a makeover with an indoor transparent screen.

Spatial feeling

The daylight shines nicely inside. The transparent screens at various E.Leclerc locations give visitors, but also the staff, an optimal sense of space. The displays are of high quality and custom finished.

Transparant LED-scherm, transparant LED-display Talking window Doorzichtig LED-scherm Doorzichtig LED-display
Transparant LED-scherm, transparant LED-display Talking window Doorzichtig LED-scherm Doorzichtig LED-display

Retained light

With a transparent LED-display, you can retain the wanted light. Because the strips with LED-light allow the light to come through, while your content is still perfectly visible on the outside. So, a transparent LED-display has the same visual impact as a standard LED-display.


Manager E. Leclerc Avermes: “We are very satisfied with the transparent LED-display. Now, our travel agency stands out even more. Another pro is that the display is noise-reducing.”

Custom made

The displays at E. Leclerc are made to the millimeter. At the establishment in Avermes, the display of 21 m2 with a pixel pitch of 6,5 mm fits perfectly into the shopwindow of the travel agency.