Nijmegen has been using the Waal Bridge since the 1930s to connect the two banks. However, times have changed and the Waal Bridge no longer has sufficient capacity to handle the ever-increasing road traffic. For that reason, the municipality has decided to build a new bridge “De Oversteek”, which ensures good accessibility of the center and a better distribution of traffic.
Dynamic Traffic Management
To maintain a good flow, the municipality uses dynamic traffic management (DVM), for which information and traffic data, such as travel time measurements and VRI data, are collected and processed from various sources. Based on the analysis of this data, the central system actively or manually controls system components in the field. In addition to adjusting, for example, the VRIs (Traffic Control Installations) to the traffic density, the Dynamic Route Information Panels (DRIPs) are also used to inform road users about the current traffic situation.
DRIP as an essential link
The DRIPs make it possible to quickly and accurately inform all passing road users about the current situation. Moreover, it is the means for the road manager to direct the traffic and thus keep a grip on the flow. Partly because of this, the DRIPs – as the last link in communication to the road user – are indispensable in the proper development of the DVM system. The DRIPs are used, among other things, for manually entered messages, automated updates on travel times and the display of network images as part of the scenario management system.