All lay outs are custom made and therefor will fit perfectly to your wishes and will fit perfectly in the corporate identity of Van der Valk
Pilot project
This system is a pilot project. If the system is reliable and functions well, it could be used in other establishments from Van der Valk. The costumer is happy so far and already has plans to expand and to add additions to the current system.
CMS RAAAK-systeem
We have designed an adjusted CMS RAAAK-system for our client and final costumer Van der Valk, establishment Amersfoort-A1. Our software makes that the current information and data from the hotel booking service system from Van der Valk will be translated and showed on multiple overview- and room-displays in the hotel. The display that our costumer has installed themselves, show the current bookings of the rooms and more.

To give you an impression of the size of this project: it currently concerns 3 CMS controlling computers at the reception for the “Welcoming displays”, 4 CMS computers on different levels to control the displays in the lobby where maps are shown on which are provided with current booking information. And 18 CMS PCs for the room screens on the different floors to indicate the occupancy in the room.
Custom made
All lay outs are custom made and therefor will fit perfectly to your wishes and will fit perfectly in the corporate identity of Van der Valk.

Meer info over dit project?

Arno Kessels