The city of hoogstraten chooses Q-lite's circular Led displays!
From now on, the city of Hoogstraten can communicate in an impactful manner in all seven municipalities, with the help of 7 outdoor LED displays which have a total display surface of two square meters per display.
After the local government of Rotselaar, the city of Hoogstraten will now use Q-lite’s circular LED displays. This means Hoogstraten is the second city in Flanders that uses the circular ‘Display as a Service’-concept.
6 or 12 years sustainable
The ‘Display as a Service’-contract has been concluded for a period of 6 years. At the end of this period, Hoogstraten has the option to extend the contract for a new period of 6 years with Q-lite immediately upgrading the LED prints to almost double the resolution. All other components will be retained for this upgrade.

At the end of the 6 or 12 year contract period, Q-lite will take care of the dismantling, recycling and reuse of the complete installation. After 6 or 12 years Q-lite will take back the 7 LED screens to its factory in Baarle-Hertog. When the choice is made for 6 years, the LED screens will be upgraded and put back on the market. If 12 years is chosen, the LED screens will be dismantled into pure raw material streams. Various small parts, such as the power supply, are further dismantled in a social workshop for optimal recycling.
Modern way of communication
The 7 LED displays will replace several billboards on locations where static banners are currently used. As a result, multiple messages can be displayed in the same place in a more impactful way. The messages can also be changed easily, so that e.g., changing Corona measures can be communicated easily.
Design Led Display
The city did not only choose a solution that focusses on sustainability and quality, the outlook of the displays matters too. In addition to the high image quality, a modern design finish has been chosen.
Confirmed sustainability
Back in 2019, the independent researchorganisation VITO analysed the environmental impact of the circular LED screens in terms of material consumption and CO₂ emissions. Thanks to this analysis, we can prove that the screens are effectively more durable than other standard screens on the market. The longer the lifetime, the more positive the result.
Mayor Marc van Aperen feels enthusiastic about the sustainable and innovative choice that the municipality has made.
“It is important to us that the digital signs are experienced as pleasant by our residents. The light intensity will be adjusted automatically, depending on the ambient light. This ensures car drivers and cyclists will not be blinded. Additionally, we can not only show multiple messages per location, but the user-friendly software also makes it possible to react quickly in case of an emergency. For instance, we can make sure that traffic is aware of a nearby accident. By carefully selecting the locations of the digital signs, we have ensured that no unsafe situations can arise on the roadside.”
Q-lite’s Account Manager Job Laurijssen
“Through a different way of tendering, the city of Hoogstraten has been able to greatly reduce its environmental impact. Many electronic products could last longer, in case the design allows it. By opting for a DaaS construction with an upgradeable product, the city of Hoogstraten actually gets a new and better screen after 6 years, and this by replacing only 20% of the materials. Imagine that the manufacturer of your TV upgrades the device after 5 years, allowing you to use the same TV for another 5 years and going from a 4K to an 8K resolution.”
“Q-lite’s team is pleased that Hoogstraten chose a locally based company for this project. Our production site is located 15 km from Hoogstraten. A lot of our employees live in the region and drive past these displays on a daily base. We are extremely proud that the city of Hoogstraten has chosen our circular LED displays!”

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Job Laurijssen