ISO and VCA**
Quality, sustainability and safety are Q-lite’s spearheads. That is why we obtained ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and VCA**.

EcoVadis Silver rating
The ranking places Q-lite among the best rated companies in our sector. EcoVadis evaluates large companies worldwide based on international standards such as ISO. With some 100,000 ratings, this is an impressive result for Q-lite!
EcoVadis rates companies on four different topics with a total of 21 criteria. These topics focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how the company deals with social responsibility in terms of environment, society and employee welfare.

Voka Sustainability charter
Since 2018, Q-lite has been implementing 15 actions every year linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals . Because of this, we received the SDG pioneer certificate. Examples:
- Target: 25% less residual waste
- Employee satisfaction +8/10
- 25% order intake from circular solutions
- Mapping our scope 3 CO2 emissions
- Organising toolboxes on sustainability and safety within the organisation
- …

CO2-neutral Silver
Q-lite has been CO2 neutral certified since 2019. Thanks to our efforts, we achieved CO2 neutral Silver certification from CO2logic. This does not mean that no CO2 is released in our operational activities, but that we have insight into our scope 1 and 2 and offset them through carbon credits. Since 2022, we also know our Scope 3, allowing us to already offset some of our emissions from the chain.
SBTi net-zero
Ever since 2022, Q-lite has had an approved action plan in place to reduce its CO2 emissions by 2030 and 2050 according to the ambitious Paris Agreement.