Dynamic wayfinding
Dynamic wayfinding enables you to refer your target audience in a dynamic way. Whether car traffic, cyclists or pedestrians, everyone has an interest in getting to their destination quickly. This is possible with good wayfinding solutions. By also making it dynamic, you are able to offer target-oriented information and respond to current situations such as events, road works or diversions.

Parking Guidance
A good example of wayfinding is parking guidance in the city. Directing visitors to the nearest free parking space avoids unnecessary search traffic and congestion on the road. Moreover, it offers visitors a pleasant start and experience of the visit.
Want to know more about our parking guidance solutions?
Wayfinding pedestrians
Signage in the city centre ensures that pedestrians are directed to the city’s main attractions and relevant facilities. Besides static information, you also want to inform visitors about current events and activities. To this end, Q-lite provides various solutions for dynamic wayfinding in the form of dynamic information columns and totems. Optionally, these can be executed in a touch version so that visitors can look up additional information about the city via the column.
Because the columns are often in a central location, they are also the ideal location for beacons, Wi-Fi hotspots or security cameras. But also as a collection point of data about, for example, temperature, air quality or the number of passers-by.

Wayfinding cyclists
In many cities, more and more space is becoming available for cyclists. This increases the need to properly inform and refer cyclists as well. Q-lite provides various dynamic wayfinding solutions for cyclists. From columns and totems to referral systems that direct cyclists to the nearest bicycle parking with free spaces.
Want to know more about our solutions for cyclists?
Wayfinding in Logistics
Good dynamic wayfinding is also important at large industrial complexes and hubs, for example to direct arriving trucks directly to the right dock. This speeds up the process and avoids unnecessary transport movements due to search traffic. With the internationalisation of freight traffic, the language of communication also plays an increasing role. A big advantage of our digital and dynamic solutions is references can be displayed in multiple languages.
Want to know more about our solutions?

De informatiepanelen worden op afstand aangestuurd en beheerd via het door Q-lite ontwikkelde RAAAK-platform. Hét IoT-platform om informatiesystemen aan te sturen en te beheren.
Neem voor meer informatie contact met ons op.

Zo pakken wij projecten aan

Wij maken ook serieus werk van het projectmanagement. Met een gedegen projectaanpak worden alle projecten tot in de puntjes uitgevoerd. Strakke afspraken, heldere procedures, specifiek toegespitst op de levering van elektronische informatiesystemen.
Meer weten over onze projectaanpak?
- waterproof housing
- Equipped with temperature sensor
- Automatic time synchronisation via GPS
- Easy assembly
- Customisation possible

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