All Eyes
on Sport
Are you looking for a professional scoreboard? Q-lite has the solution! Choose one of our standard models or go for customisation which allows you to display the score and playing time in a very clear way in all weather conditions.
- For indoor and outdoor sports fields
- Shows the current score and/or time
- Easy in use
- For indoor and outdoor sports fields
- Create extra experience for supporters
- Show logos, player lineups, goalscorers…
- Score extra income with advertising
- Show current score and/or time
- Option: Scoreboard as a Service
- For sports complexes, skating rinks and swimming pools
- Scoreboard with meticulous time registration
- Create extra experience for supporters
- Show logos, player lineups, goalscorers…
- Meets the requirements of sports associations
For every sport
From a standard electronic scoreboard to a multifunctional full-colour scoreboard, and even LED boarding for around the pitch, Q-lite can meet all your sports club’s needs. Both indoor and outdoor Through a personal project approach, complemented by years of expertise, we offer a tailor-made solution for every club. And this for all kinds of sports: hockey, soccer, karting, tennis, korfball, handball, basketball, ice hockey…
Ultimate experience with full-colour scoreboards
Full-colour scoreboards allow supporters to enjoy the game to the fullest For example, the full-colour scoreboard displays the logos of the various sponsors in addition to the score and remaining time. In addition, the line-up of players can be shown before the match starts.
Why choose a full-colour scoreboard? The investment is fully recouped after just a few seasons! How so? The full-colour scoreboard can show dynamic advertising videos from your sponsors before and after the game. Because all the spectators’ attention is drawn to the scoreboard, the sponsors stand out even more.
In addition to the payback period of the full-colour scoreboard, the additional advertising revenue provide a steady contribution to your sports club’s treasury!

Discover our display solutions and sports software in our showroom
We would like to invite you to visit our unique showroom where you can experience our products and software in real life.
Scoreboard as a Service
The SaaS model allows any club in Belgium and the Netherlands to use full-colour scoreboards as an additional source of revenue. This means clubs can use the LED scoreboards on a monthly or quarterly payment basis, with the additional income being at least equal to the expenses.
Get more out of the game with standard digital scoreboards
Standard LED scoreboards keep players and spectators informed of the current score and/or time at all times. The design of the scoreboards can be fully customised to suit your sport and sports facilities. Moreover, our electronic LED scoreboards are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Multifunctional scoreboards with timekeeping
Q-lite’s multifunctional scoreboard systems contribute to an optimal competition experience in your sports facility.
Q-lite Score app
Q-lite Score is the all-in-one app and software that allows you to easily control your scoreboards remotely.
Enter the score live with one click, play large-screen sponsor advertising during and after the match, and turn your scoreboard on and off via the app. Even without technical knowledge, you’ll be up and running with the scoreboard app in no time.
And all from your internet-connected smartphone or tablet. No matter where in the world you are. It is the remote control for your scoreboard you always carry in your pocket.
viewall software
Searching for more? Use our ViewAll scoreboard software and control all your scoreboards, shot clocks and narrowcasting screens with just one system.
Thanks to our ViewAll scoreboard software, you can display scores, videos and images, as well as logos, game layouts, timekeeping and live camera images from a single device. Moreover, the scoreboard system also allows you to easily control external devices, such as jury tablets.
More info or a customized solution?
Our colleagues will be happy to help you. You can also count on us for a professional scoreboard installation!