Pharmacy Cross

As a pharmacist, you want to be found quickly on the streets. To make your pharmacy stand out immediately, mount a recognisable green dynamic pharmacy cross on your facade. As a European manufacturer of digital displays, we have been producing pharmacy crosses for over 30 years. With our high-quality LED cross, all eyes are on your pharmacy.


Eye-catching and dynamic communication

The Q-lite pharmacy cross (QLK) allows you to communicate with the outside world in an eye-catching and dynamic way. A range of animations, including esculape, time, temperature, text, can be displayed on the cross. Because of the built-in automatic dimmer, the cross is perfectly readable both in full sunlight and in the dark at night, and no light pollution is caused to the surrounding area.

Specifications QLK

Afmeting Standard 90×90 cm or 130×130 cm (other options available on request)
Version Single- or double-sided
Control By Q-lite pre-programmed or self-programmable via software
Animations Large number of animations including esculape, text, time, date and temperature
Mounting Flat against a wall (single-sided) or flagged against the façade or a post (double-sided)